2025 International Conference

on Survey Methodology,

Application, and

New Developments

August 21-22, 2025

Taipei, Taiwan

Orgainzer : Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, Academia Sinica

Co-organizer : Project to Add Value to Taiwan’s Empirical Databases:

Prospects, Sustainability and Promotion

Minimal Lined Deadline

Important Dates

Abstract submission due: February 28, 2025

Acceptance notification: March 20, 20​25

Registration will open on: April 1, 2025

Full paper submission due: August 1, 2025

Conference: August 21-22, 202​5

Call for Papers

The Center for Survey Research (CSR) at Academia Sinica will hold an international conference on ​Survey Methodology, Application, and New Developments from August 21 to 22, 2025.

We welcome papers that focus on survey methodology, the application of survey research, and new ​developments in survey and empirical research, including but not restricted to:

Innovation Icon
  1. Dual-frame Telephone Surveys
  2. Probability and Nonprobability ​Web Surveys
  3. Opinion Mining and Sentiment ​Analysis
  4. Digital Trace Data Analysis
  5. Longitudinal Survey Methods
  6. Questionnaire Design and ​Measurement
  7. Sampling and Weighting
  8. Survey Errors and Data Quality
  9. Data Collection on Sensitive ​Topics
  10. Network Analysis
  11. Experimental Design

  1. Mixed-Mode Surveys
  2. Mobile and Web Surveys
  3. Longitudinal and Tracking Surveys
  4. Survey Experimentation
  5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ​Machine Learning
  6. Computational Data Science
  7. Gamification and Engagement ​Techniques
  8. Improved Sampling Techniques
  9. Social Media and Crowdsourcing
  10. Privacy and Data Security ​Enhancements
  11. Use of Big Data and Paradata

  Research findings utilizing major survey ​databases in Taiwan, such as,

  1. Asian Barometer Survey (ABS)
  2. Kids in Taiwan: National Longitudinal ​Study of Child Development and Care ​(KIT)
  3. Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD)
  4. Taiwan Communication Survey (TCS)
  5. Taiwan Database for Empirical Legal ​Studies (TaDELS)
  6. Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS)
  7. Taiwan's Election and Democratization ​Study (TEDS)

  Research findings utilizing renowned ​international survey databases, such as,

  1. British Household Panel Survey (BHPS)
  2. Global Barometer Surveys (GBS)
  3. General Social Survey (GSS)
  4. International Social Survey Programme ​(ISSP)
  5. Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)
  6. World Values Survey (WVS)

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • The online submission website via Google Forms will be open on December 1, 2024. Only abstracts ​submitted to (this website) by February 28, 2025 will be considered.
  • Abstracts should be no more than 800 words long, excluding references. Abstracts should clearly set ​forth the study purpose, conceptual framework, and research questions, as well as provide sufficient ​methodological details to evaluate the study’s design and its likely findings. If applicable, abstracts ​may include preliminary findings.
  • All submissions must be in English, and all accepted works should be presented in English.
  • Submitters will be notified of the results by email by March 20, 2025 . The submitter is the primary ​contact person and is responsible for notifying all coauthors of acceptance, rejection, and any other ​information provided.
  • This conference is only for oral presentations. Authors of accepted submissions need to submit the ​full paper or extended abstract by August 1.
Blue Gradient

Organizing Committee

Dr. Su-Hao Tu

Research Fellow,

Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, ​Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Dr. Chingching Chang

Distinguished Research Fellow,

Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, ​Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Dr. Ming-Chang Tsai

Distinguished Research Fellow,

Center for Survey Research, RCHSS, ​Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Contact Us


(886) 2-2787-1828

Miss ​Wen-Hsin Wang




1st and 2nd Conference Room

Humanities and Social Sciences Building (HSSB), ​Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Address of Venue:

128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd, Nangkang,

Taipei 115201, TAIWAN

